Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Forgot Your Password Just Wave Your Hand

  • Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • vinod
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  • Passwords for online banking, social networks and email could be replaced with the wave of a hand if prototype technology developed by Intel.
    Scientists are developing a new technology which can verify your identity with a wave of the hand.A biometric sensor in a laptop computer scans the unique pattern of veins in a person’s palm to verify their identity the technology.The problem with passwords we use too many of them their rules are complex.
    The technology would require new biometric sensors to be built into computers.The palm scanning technology worked much better than the finger-print scanners used on some laptops today.An accelerometer could be used to monitor when someone put the gadget down and automatically lock it to prevent unauthorized access.The palm-identification technology was one of several demonstrations during a keynote address by Intel Chief Technology.The palm-reading technology, still under development, requires new software and biometric sensors built into consumer devices, but does not require the development of any new kinds of chips.The technology works much better than the finger-print scanners.This technology technology also improve cell-phone base stations and to efficiently and wireless connect devices such as printers, tablets and monitors throughout the home.

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