Saturday, October 8, 2011


How to create media player using vb 6.0

  • Saturday, October 8, 2011
  • vinod
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  • You can create small media player using vb.Press cntr+t for components and add common dialog control and media player.Take media player and the size take microsoft common dialog control and put it anywhere in the form then you will need command button and list box.

    Thelist box place for the file that you added.The list box code is

    Windowsmediaplayer1.url = List

    Rename the command button as Add file and the code for command button

    Dim sfile As string
    with commonDialog1
    .Dialogtitle = "open media..."
    .CancelError = False
    .Filter = "All supported files"
    If Len(.Filename) = 0 Then

    Exit sub
    End if

    SFile = .Filename
    With list1
    .Additem sfile
    End with
    End with
    End sub


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