Saturday, February 25, 2012


Three worst viruses of all times

  • Saturday, February 25, 2012
  • vinod
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  • Computer viruses can be fear to all.Some one can wipe you data or information on a data.According to Consumer reports computer viruses helped contribute to $8.9 billion in consumer losses in 2008.It is just a online threat lets we can see the 10 worst viruses of all time.

    In 1999 David L smith created a virus based on a macro word macro.He created the viruses so that it could spread through e-mails and he named as Melissa.The mail message is like this "Here is that document you asked for don't show it to anybody" Ones it activated it will spread to top 50 peoples in mail address book.This virus rapidly spread through out the world.The statement made by FBI official the Melissa viruses "wreaked havoc on government and private sector networks"After lengthy process he lost his case and receive 20 month of jail.The court also fined $5000.Melissa was the first virus to get public attention.

    4.I love you:
    A Melissa viruses hits the world a digital menace emerged from the Philippines.This threat came from worm .Its name derived from I LOVE YOU.This is a standalone program.This virus will infect through emails It is just same as Melissa virus.It has a wide range of attacks.
    • It downloaded a file win-bugsfix.exe
    • It copies itself several times
    3.Netsky & sesser:
    In some cases the viruses escape from scanning or detection.A German created the two programs and illegally spread through the internet .The two worms behaved in a different ways.
    The sesser spread through the Microsoft windows vulnerability system.This virus will scan the IP address randomly .The viruses will alter the Operating system that made difficult to shut down the pc
    The Netsky will spread through Internet and Widows network .It can cause the daniel of server attacks as the system collapse while trying to handle internet traffic.

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